Zapier Consulting
At Turtle Techsai, our Zapier consulting services are designed to help you automate processes and connect your apps seamlessly. Whether you need to build new Zaps, fix broken ones, or handle complex integrations, we’ve got you covered.
Proven Results
We’ve automated millions of Zaps, saving our clients millions of dollars. For example, Nick Verity, CEO of Cleverly, shared his success story:
Turtle Techsai helped us replace our offshore team with automation. We initially thought these tasks had to be manual, but automation saved us $12,000 per month in salaries, sped up client onboarding by two hours, and increased our team’s capacity.
What We Offer
Done-for-You Zaps
We create and manage Zaps tailored to your needs.
Fixing Broken Zaps
If your Zaps aren’t working as expected, we’ll troubleshoot and fix them.
Automating Processes
We help automate repetitive tasks to save time and reduce errors.
Custom Coding
For more complex requirements, we provide custom coding solutions.
Complex Integrations
If your Zaps aren’t working as expected, we’ll troubleshoot and fix them.
Our Zapier Consulting Process
We have extensive experience building processes with these tools and are adept at integrating many other tools available in the market.
Free Zapier Consultation
We start by scoping out your project to determine if it’s a quick build or requires a more complex solution.
Workflow Mapping
We map out every process that can be automated from start to finish, allowing you to prioritize which tasks to automate first.
Done-for-You Builds
We create and thoroughly test your Zaps to ensure everything works smoothly, without any bugs.
Ongoing Support
We often discover new automation opportunities as we work on your project. Our support continues as your needs evolve.
Why Choose Zapier Automation?
Zapier connects with thousands of apps, allowing you to integrate most of your tech stack.
Save time and money by automating simple, repetitive tasks, freeing up your team for more important work.
Automations in Zapier are fast, consistent, and error-free, eliminating bottlenecks.
Zapier Consulting for Any Industry
Our Zapier experts have built automations across various industries, including:
Sales Processes
Automate your sales funnel, including emails, follow-ups, proposals, and CRM management.
Back Office
Simplify HR tasks, payroll, invoicing, and accounting processes.
Marketing Automation
Automate lead captures, email campaigns, newsletters, and ads.
Streamline client and employee onboarding, training, and handoffs.
Project Management
Connect every step of your project management flow.
Data Management
Automate data entry, collection, cleansing, and reporting.
Automate tasks like inventory management, shipping, and customer service.
B2B Services
We serve clients in SaaS, IT, finance, real estate, and more.
Solve labor-intensive process challenges to reduce churn and scale effectively.
Common Zapier Challenges We Solve
We have extensive experience building processes with these tools and are adept at integrating many other tools available in the market.
My Zap Isn’t Working!
We fix Zaps that aren’t triggering or producing incorrect outputs.
My App Doesn’t Work with Zapier.
If your app isn’t natively supported, we specialize in custom coding to make it work.
I Didn’t Know You Can Zap That!
Many clients miss out on automation opportunities before working with us. We’ll show you what’s possible.
Ready to automate with Zapier? Schedule your free consultation with Turtle Techsai today!
Why Hire Turtle Techsai?
Zapier connects with over 5,000 tools and apps, and while you can spend hours learning and building yourself, hiring our experts will get the job done quickly and correctly. Skip the tutorials and testing
—let us handle it for you.